Peldon Rose visits the sunny peaks of Pas de la Casa, Andorra

Alan Jamieson, Chief Operating Officer Culture

In January, to kick-start 2024, a group of us packed our salopettes and snowshoes and headed into the wintery peaks of the Pyrenees for a long weekend of sport and socialising. We caught up with Elif, Jordan and Steph, who joined this year’s trip to Pas de la Casa, Andorra.

Jordan, this trip was your third time skiing with Peldon Rose. What made this year's ski trip unique compared to previous years?

Jordan: I also went on the 2020 and 2023 trips, and each time the mountains and the views have been beautiful. Every cohort is different too, and it was nice to see so many first timers and beginners on this year’s trip.

Elif, Steph, this was your first trip as you’ve joined the team in the past year. Why did you decide to go?

Elif: There are so many people that I hadn’t spoken to before, who I was keen to connect and socialise with. In the office, the day-to-day means that I don’t always get to know people more personally who I don’t directly work with. The ski trip gave me the perfect opportunity to get to know my colleagues more.

Steph: Firstly, I love the snow, so I was already excited to get back out on the slopes. I’ve heard people talking around the office about previous trips and how great they were, and it meant that I could connect with people outside my team, which is important when you’re new to a company.

What were the conditions like? How challenging did you find the runs?

Elif: Apart from the first day, the conditions were good. The lessons were helpful, but the most valuable part was colleagues like Georgia and Chris helping out us beginners, who naturally were a little nervous.

Jordan: The first day was a complete white out, with limited vision all day. I stuck to green runs, which were intimidating at times when you can’t see where you’re going. The rest of the weekend was perfect. Compact, but not icy, and lots of sunshine!

Steph: My home mountain, Mount Ruapehu in New Zealand, is an icy mountain. Compared to this, the Pyrenees were a dream. The great thing about Pas de la Casa is that you can go deep into the resort and explore, so while there was no visibility on the first day, in a large group it was lots of fun. We had fresh, crispy snow on the Saturday and soft, spring snow on the Sunday.

Elif, as a first timer, what was the most challenging part? Any tips for fellow newbies?

Elif: Sticking together was probably the hardest part of being a beginner. We didn’t get to meet the more intermediate skiers at the top of the slopes, so stayed in the town for lunch each day. As a result, I looked forward to the evenings where we properly socialised over drinks at dinner. Carrying your equipment around is tiring, too!

Steph, you’ve proven yourself a seasoned boarder! What did you find most challenging about these slopes?

Steph: The first day - the white out - was the most challenging. Finding your way around the resort is strenuous in thick fog, and you’re constantly checking your surroundings for people weaving around you.

Each of you had different levels of experience. Can you share a standout moment from the trip that you'll remember forever?

Elif: My favourite part was when we were all together at dinner. It was a nice moment to relax and catch up with each other. Every evening I would go to bed thinking, “What a day! I get to do it all again tomorrow!”

Jordan: The outward coach trip is always memorable. Skiing with Talie, Chris and Katie, who were all at a similar level, was fun. The moments that you have with people on the chair lift are irreplaceable!

Steph: The whiteout and trying to get back to the lifts was scary, but a laugh. Everyone hustled and we had some epic runs that day despite the conditions.

Why do you think the ski trip has stood the test of time?

Elif: Getting together in this setting crafts those special moments, builds on our culture and gives us treasured memories.

Jordan: It allows you to create a bond that you may not otherwise have with a colleague in the office.

Steph: I think the ski trip has been around for so long because it has a hugely positive impact! The whole reason I wanted to go was to bond with colleagues. Everyone comes back talking about it, which creates a lot of buzz and excitement. It’s unique.

Was the trip what you expected it to be?

Elif: Absolutely! I was expecting a great trip and I went on a great trip!

Jordan: The trip was amazing. It was heaps of fun, but was slightly more challenging than I expected it to be, mainly on the legs! Squats next time!

Steph: Yes! I loved the vibe everyone brought. Everyone was just so stoked to be there, and it was fun seeing how everyone progressed over the course of the weekend.

How would you sum up your experience at the 2024 Peldon Rose ski trip in just three words?

Elif: Blissful, memorable and refreshing.

Jordan: Challenging, fun, lively.

Steph: Short, but sweet.

Will you be signing up for the next ski trip, and what would you tell others who might be considering their first company trip?

Elif: Yes, I’m looking forward to the next one. I’d tell first timers to go for it. Don’t be scared, there’s something for everyone and even if it’s not for you, it’s fun to try new things!

Jordan: I’ll definitely be going on the next trip. If it’s your first time, go and practice beforehand so that you can enjoy the slopes more. The lessons can take up a lot of slope time, so having the basics under your belt will give you more time to do your own thing.

Steph: Yes I would. I would tell anyone who might be on the fence to step outside their comfort zone and throw themselves into the experience.

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